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Additional Resources

CHEW backpack









The C.H.E.W. Progam
(Children Healthy Eating on Weekends)
helps alleviate child hunger
in Onslow County. 
By providing bags filled with easy to prepare meals and snacks,
students can have access to food over week-ends.

Blue Creek Elementary is a participant of the United Way C.H.E.W. Program.
If you would like more information about the program
or would like to have your child participate, 
please contact Brenda Correa 
or the school social worker.  
Each school is allotted a limited number of students on a
first come first served basis and the need of each family.



McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Education Resources

In January of 2002, Congress authorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to help people experiencing homelessness. The federal law includes the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program that entitles children who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence to a free, appropriate education and requires schools to remove barriers to their enrollment, attendance and success in school. The McKinney-Vento Program meets the needs of homeless students attending Onslow County Schools by addressing academic challenges and family issues affecting their success in school. Click on the link below for more information and assistance.